Activités, produits et marchés
La situation de la filière forêt-bois en France fin 2014
Cet article fait le point de la situation de la filière bois en France fin 2014 dans ses différentes composantes à partir de plusieurs sources dont la communication annuelle de la France au comité bois de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Europe. Il aborde successivement la situation de la récolte de bois en 2013 par rapport aux années passées et au potentiel de la forêt française, la production 2013 de produits transformés à base de bois par rapport à la consommation et aux flux d’échanges avec l’étranger, ainsi que les déterminants des évolutions futures (construction, énergie, innovations, marchés extérieurs).
This article provides an overview of the forestry and forest-based industry in France, examining the component sectors on the basis of several sources including the report made every year by France to the Wood Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It begins with an assessment of the 2013 logging harvest compared to previous years and in relation to the potential of French forests, and then goes on to examine the production of wood-based processed products in 2013 compared to consumption and foreign trade flows, ending with a review of the factors that will impact future developments (construction, energy, innovations, foreign markets).
This article provides an overview of the forestry and forest-based industry in France, examining the component sectors on the basis of several sources including the report made every year by France to the Wood Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It begins with an assessment of the 2013 logging harvest compared to previous years and in relation to the potential of French forests, and then goes on to examine the production of wood-based processed products in 2013 compared to consumption and foreign trade flows, ending with a review of the factors that will impact future developments (construction, energy, innovations, foreign markets).
The forest cockchafer (Melolontha hippocastani, Coleoptera, Scarabeoidea) has multiplied in the last few years in the forests of northern Alsace and around Paris. Biological monitoring has established that this species has a life cycle of 4 years in these two regions. During the subsoil phase, which lasts 47 months, the highly polyphagous larvae eat the roots of many woody species (beech, oaks, pines, fir trees, etc.), causing significant mortality amongst young stalks. Adults hatch in May (in 2015 at the Ingwiller state forest, and in 2016 in the Compiègne state forest) and feed preferentially on oak leaves before mating. The fertilized females then lay their eggs in sandy soil inside relatively sparse stands.
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